Dearest Beloved

Dearest Beloved - How are you? We hope YOU are having WONDERFUL adventures.

11 March 2013

The Three Bobcateers

A bobcat walked into our yard.  Walked right up to the tube we have set up to dispense corn.  Many animals like to eat the corn; especially the deer and the chipmunks.  Bobcats like to eat chipmunks.

About 10 minutes later  ... another bobcat arrived.

And a then ....  Surprise !!  a Third Bob.  We looked on the internet to find out what a group of Bobcats is called - but the wiki said that bobcats don't share territory.  I guess the bobcats didn't read the Wiki.

Grandma took these pictures through the window.  The Bobcats do not mind if we look at them from the window.  They are happy as long as we stay in "our cage".

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