Dearest Beloved

Dearest Beloved - How are you? We hope YOU are having WONDERFUL adventures.

24 March 2013

Hawaiian Style

Grandma and Grandpa went to Hawaii.  Hawaii is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean and one of the United States of America.  

Here is a map showing Where in the World is Hawaii.

Grandma and Grandpa went to Hawaii to be with friends and fly our paragliders.  One friend made a nice video " Emerald Hills" of our flights on Saint Patrick's Day. -  I have attached a video link upper right -.    We were all very excited to be able to fly in such wonderful weather at such a beautiful place with such a lucky vibe.  Grandma is on the red glider seen on the opening page -  Grandpa is the Blue and Yellow Glider and blue helmet.

Here is a picture of Grandma flying  on the Island of Oahu.

There are many wonderful things to do in Hawaii.

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