Dearest Beloved

Dearest Beloved - How are you? We hope YOU are having WONDERFUL adventures.

14 May 2012

West Virginia Spring Flowers

Grandpa  and Grandma  went to see a beautiful garden in a hollow in West Virginia.

A hollow is a small valley that runs perpendicular to a larger - longer mountain ridge.  The road up to the hollow almost always ends before the top of the ridge.  When the road goes on up over the ridge it is usually called a gap.  Because the road ends; people living in hollows are very isolated.

Hundreds of years ago settlers came to these hollows and built homes.  Some of these families still own the land their great Grand Parents first cultivated.  One of these families has continued to take care of their land; even though they now live far away from it in a large city.

Every year they visit and camp and plant flowers.  They stay in the fixed up old tiny log cabin built by their ancestors and use an out door pit toilet.

 The family plants over 1000 daffodil bulbs each year.  Each year they try to install something new like a granite sculpture; gazebo; or other feature.     The garden is very beautiful.   When all the flowers bloom in the spring the sight is pure magnificence.

Here is a picture of some of the daffodils.

Here is a picture of the little old log cabin.  The owner's grandparents were born in this cabin.  It was built by the owner's great grandparents.  The owners have covered the out side with siding to protect the old chestnut logs.

Here is a picture of one of the garden features.  There are two of these lions.  These are carved out of a hard stone called granite.  Each lion is in two parts.  The lion and the base.  Each part weighs over 500 pounds.  The owners had a very difficult time getting the lions up into the hollow.

Here is a picture of the out door toilet.  The toilet is close to the cabin; but not too close.  That way people can get to it easily but any odor is kept away from the house.  People have a lot of names for this type of toilet.  Some people call them "Long Drops" or "Out Houses" or "Privies" or "Compost Toilets" Whatever they are called; they are very useful.

Here is a picture of one of meadows.  These daffodils have already bloomed and are now in decline.  The spectacular beauty only last for a brief time each year in the spring; but will reappear every year.

Grandpa  and Grandma hope you have enjoyed learning about the Garden in the Hollow of West Virginia.  People can make the world wonderful with work - love - and time.

Loads of Love;